“The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.”
~ Sex and the City
What if I told you there was a magic recipe for getting rid of your symptoms or making a relationship work or even being the best parent out there?
I am sure you wouldn’t believe me, and for a good reason! It is easy to see how challenging life can be. Until we can find that 100% success guaranteed recipe, we will have to make do with what we have- building our relationship skills, communicating effectively, utilizing effective coping skills, etc.
What may lack understanding or knowledge may become more clear and insightful when working with a neutral based therapist either as an individual or a couple. Each story is unique, so I tailor my approaches to meet your exact needs in a conservative manner. I welcome heterosexuals and LGBTQ individuals and couples.
Whether you need counseling as an individual or a couple, I can help you explore your challenges, manage through your fears, work to fulfill your dreams and take steps to reach your highest potential.